Best obsidian github reddit. It is rock solid, and quite secure.

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Best obsidian github reddit. Commit again. Despite this I see Obsidian users getting by just fine seemingly on iCloud folders. I followed this amazing tutorial and I can now sync my notes between my laptop and phone with Dropbox. Alternatively, you can add annotations directly into PDF files so that they are also visible outside Obsidian. This one might be the most effective one learning wise, because you have time to listen to the lecture and get the repetition when converting the images to Latex. pkg install gh. If you are ok with using cloud in general - consider Github as yet another cloud provider. At times, I think things don’t sync fully and as such, there are conflicts (e. You don't need to use termux or similar apps Full guide in a separate post. Thanks for posting this. This means it is easy to backup, migrate, or even keep portable. I will put it this way: Github is as safe as any cloud storage. It uses a bookmark to create a new file in Obsidian. I than clone the repository on every personal device (using Working Copy on iOS). I've found somewhere, not sure, but I think it was in the obsidian forum a CSS that allows you to zoom an image in your note and it works very well. 1%. You would need an extra file, an index. There is plenty of information online about how Anki is the superior flashcard program. Introduction. I have created a CLI tool that downloads GitHub Project data, and puts it into local Markdown files. (This is helpful for when you need to backfill old notes or if you're planning ahead for future notes! This will use your current daily note template!) Visualize your writing. , and software that isn’t designed to restrict you in any way. Link to github Manual install : Go to the latest release here, & download the files listed there ( main. Mind maps are great, especially during the early-learning and exploration phase. If youa vhe subfolders they will be included. I use rstudio to sync my files with Github. This can be used as a free alternative to Obsidian Sync. Context: I had originally purchased the obsidian sync service, but its kraken_judge. New release is out to allow you to restart Obsidian in the browser. Speech bubbles have been provided which are useful for language learners and RPG vault users alike. ghcr. Changes can happen to the workspace folder on both Use the following commands to setup git and github via HTTPS : pkg update && pkg upgrade. git/config (easier). I would suggest using Quartz to host your content to GitHub pages via configuring a simple GitHub action first then you will have a URL similar to: https://shrestharajat. I wanted to give my 2 cents about the new Canvas feature. E. Customizable through plugin. There may be a few hiccups using this method when you'll possibly run into the desire to do backups/version control with git down the road, but downloading will definitely get you on Subreddit for the Obsidian notes app https://obsidian. Taking notes tips. Really supercharges your note taking. Just place your vault inside a synced directory, which you can configure in each respective app. Reload Obsidian & enable the plugin in Settings -> Community Plugins. Note that Minimal Virtually REQUIRES that you ALSO install the Style Settings Program, which is what lets you DESIGN Minimal to a Highly Precise Degree. Some of them includes: Kanban Redesign. This may not be specific to obsidian, but you may take inspiration from it, the 1:1:1 journaling: Every single evening, at the end of your work day, open up your journal (or favorite digital tool/application) and write down three simple points: 1 win from the day. obsidian folder between machines. 🌟 You can also give it a star, or contribute - https Features. Folks, you need to be aware of the very real security risks of themes and plug-ins. The goal of Quartz is to make hosting your own public digital garden free and simple. My company has that category blocked on the Cisco firewall. Right now my vault is stored on a OneDrive. MembersOnline. I use GitHub Dark Theme on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Visual Studio 2022, Visual Studio Code and PyCharm. If you can find a good free alternative that would be great and host your entire setup for free. git folder that makes that folder a repository. if you have OneDrive synced to C:\Users\JohnDoe\OneDrive, then make a directory like C:\Users\JohnDoe\OneDrive\Obsidian\YourVaultName. If it could interact with my notes, all the better. obsidian folder may be hidden. Visit the discussions section for Q&A help, feedback, and general discussion. com :mbledkowski/ghp. I wouldn't even use Obsidian without Typewriter Scroll. Built with Obsidian markdown syntax in mind. Done. Quartz does all of that for you and gives your own little corner of the internet. If it works, you can enable ‘git’ (code source control), and push it to GitHub. Being able to synch all your information between your Mac, iPhone, iPad, and even Watch is a no-brainer. Connect the kindle over usb again. obsidian/plugins/ Note: On some machines the . Extract the obsidian-linter folder from the zip to your vault's plugins folder: <vault>/. Those are all plugins which extend Obsidian with useful, non-obstructive functionalities. Media Grid. Check the documentation here. If you want to add content later, just add a todo tag in the front matter. On MacOS you should be able to press Command+Shift+Dot to show the folder in Finder. Obsidian Git now has mobile support built-in! The setup can be simplified a LOT. I’m wondering why iCloud folders may or may not give problems here. 2. A bit hard to get into but once you get how it works it's so usefull -Paste image rename = when I'm taking a reference pic for a charater from google, I jsut paste it and it'll instantly allow me to rename it, that way I don't have to search for it, rick click, choose rename and then Hello, I work on Omnivore, a free and open source read-it-later service, and we recently released an Obsidian plugin. If you also need to integrate a windows pc to your combo maybe then the native Obsidian sync might be the best option. I will pay you for an hour of your time via venmo. Example of canvas. Now the obsidian workspace will not update with the git repo and thus no merge conflicts in the future. I wish to use VeraCrypt to encrypt the obsidian vault folder, then have the folder pushed to Git, and then where I wish to access the vault from another device, decrypt the vault, then repeat. At this point there are hundreds of cloud git repository services and some may have different policies about sharing data. -obsidian leaflet = it's what I use for the interactive maps. You can then use a tool like Github’s CI/CD, or Render (similar to Heroku) to host it. Regretfully, I’m out on using Obsidian for work. view-content img:active {. •. Anuppuccin's custom checkboxes try to mimic the original checkbox design as much as possible, while still being optional incase you want to use your own checkbox snippet. One helpful feature is the ability to also automatically insert fields at the top of the note. Click the Annotations-Plug-in. Created by Kepano. I suspected as much but wasn’t sure. I can manually run the sync, but I'm trying to automate it to run every 15 minutes if there are changes to post. Raise an issue here if you have a feature request or a bug report. view-content img {. For example, tags used by iOS/macOS (not tags in Obsidian) would be lost. Add the following line into the gitignore file: . 1. css, & manifest. Then I think when theres conflicts, it wants to boot in restricted mode, which disables my plugins on both computers. It looks like it has better native tools for file structure flattening than Foam as well. A disadvantage of using GitHub to sync is that your files aren’t E2EE. That plugin, like Obsidian's core template feature, is simpler and provides basic functionality that may be helpful. It’s also E2EE, which you won’t get if you sync through GitHub. Noterefactor, Typewriter Scroll, Calendar, Hider, Natural Language Dates. Creating notes. I put priority tags (#p1, #p2) on tasks and project tags in the project note. Coming to Obsidian was extremely easy and made things a lot better. Will be doing most updates there in the future. I presume it is due to Obsidian Sync. Commit. io / sytone / obsidian - remote:latest. Once you get it into git on your machine you can then link that repo to a To run a interactive version to test it out. GitHub Copilot is the fastest model i have worked with on autocompleting text and sentences. Bookmarklets work across browsers and can sync across devices if you sync your bookmarks. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue. Reload Obsidian; If prompted about Safe Mode, you can disable safe mode and enable the plugin. Probably the best existing methods are random browsing on social media or subscription to certain creators, both inefficient and, classic. Create an MkDocs site, open it as a Obsidian vault - see if you can build your notes as website. github. Fortunately the latter is way easier than it sounds. When you want to edit make sure View->Source Mode is checked. max-width:100%; cursor:zoom-in;} . md domain. git` (bun or node required). cursor:zoom-out; Option to recognise Obsidian tags as Anki tags Option to specify default deck and tag for folders in your vault Converting highlights to cloze deletions Automatic scheduling It's been stress-tested quite a lot - my own personal collection has about 2. May someone create a GitHub Dark Theme for Obsidian? 4 million install for only VS Code I use Dokuwiki. ago. Make edits to your notes. In Obsidian, open Settings. Primary instantly puts you in a relaxed state that opens the door to creativity and exploration. 117K subscribers in the ObsidianMD community. Syncthing does not sync extended attributes which can be a dealbreaker for some. xyz/. Basically it scans all my documents and creates a knowledge base in a way an LLM can understand it without using extra context tokens. Using daily and periodic notes. This means software you are free to modify and distribute, such as applications licensed under the GNU General Public License, BSD license, MIT license, Apache license, etc. md Members Online Obsidian 1. Both themes and plug-ins pose a substantial risk to the security of, not just your Obsidian setup and content, but your pc in general. The format is fully compatible with the one used by Obsidian Kanban Plugin. Under Community plugins, select Browse. Restart Obsidian. Specifically: It transforms backlinks to PDF files into highlight annotations, i. When I was using emacs, I remember I was using copilot for notes, but now I have to attach vscode on to my vault to have efficient note taking. - see below) Past into Obsidian. Hello, I'm not a programmer (am a resident physician) and would be appreciative if someone with experience could help me set up github sync and answer a few today via zoom. iCloud is the best option by far if you are in the Apple ecosystem. Anki is the superior flashcard program for sr. Whereas traditional frameworks like React and Vue do the bulk of their work in the browser, Svelte shifts that work into a compile step that happens when you build your app. I used "📷 obsidian-consistent-attachments-and-links" and it does resolved the issue on github but all local attachments that are actually screenshots become invisible and obsidian shows "(file name) not found". — O_O 2021 Judges Willing to pay for help setting up github sync. Each day includes a meter to approximate how much you've written that day. I started playing with it this morning, and I was impressed. Welcome to /r/Netherlands! Only English should be used for posts and comments. Click the "Code" button and then "Download ZIP". Reply reply. Once configured, you're now good to go, using it only takes two steps: Make a selection on a page and click the icon of the extension (or use a shortcut key!) . TUTORIAL LINK. g. g. Unlike Obsidian Sync, syncing through GitHub is not E2EE. Copy the metadata (that’s a button in calibre) Past into an texteditor and recopy (-. I use Obsidian Git. Search for "Projects" by Marcus Olsson, and then select it. obsidian/workspace. obsidian/plugins ), create a folder called obsidian-banners, and move your files in there. Winner of Obsidian October 2021's Best Theme . Using Omnivore's mobile apps and browser extensions you can save web articles, newsletters, and PDFs to read in a distraction free reader that removes ads and clutter. Minimal Cards. Any ideas would be most helpful. I use obsidian and Latex and can keep up, but there goes a bit into it. md. 0. Recent Files works like that feature in OneNote. These CSS snippets can also help you to enhance productivity and improve the overall user experience. I will be moving back and forth from MacBook to Windows It's a simple text file I can take anywhere and do anything with. Microsoft holds the encryption keys and can access your notes if they choose to do so. Hello, 👋. This means certain metadata on macOS/iOS/Android can be lost. Publish your notes run the command "Obsidian Git: Create backup" by opening the command palette (CMD/Ctrl + P) Sort by: Add a Comment. ⬇️ Download it using `git clone git@github. But I don't have on Obsidian and couldn't find. 0%. I added yet another repository in the same folder. This cardboard plugin allows you to query tasks based on tags on checkbox tasks or notes. Minimal. toggle the snippet on. Create new Zettelkasten notes when you want to take note about new thing by hot key Ctrl+N and pick a template by using hot key Ctrl+T. md in a browser via a docker container. My favourite atm is Copilot. Svelte is a radical new approach to building user interfaces. Wonderfully executed down to the smallest details, Primary ran away with first place. Then type in the folder you created in step 5 (e. Some of the CSS snippets include: Kanban Redesign; Vertical Kanban Minimal — By a VERY Wide Margin & For YEARS Now. Accompanying Minimal is the “Minimal Settings Plugin,” which you can ADMIN MOD. It has many cool features that I’ve seen people struggling with online : Tasks and project management with journaling, workout logging and media tracking. I use Google Drive + DriveSync. Obsidian will ignore the . This bookmarklet supports both clipping Obsidian PDF++. What I see is that most of the time the obsidian internal files like app. All text is being pushed fine. But the main closer for me was that everything is a simple text file or uploaded file. With the Annotations-Plug-in it pulls the highlights directly from the kindle into a column I created. This is an Obsidian. Soft-Material3294. I’m looking to move from Notion for documentation and code snippets. I use obsidian as a project management tool and plan action items in the project note. Create markdown-backed Kanban boards in Obsidian. 5. 3%. The easiest and simplest way is to put all the notes you want to share into a single folder and just set that folder up as it's own Git repository. Check the roadmap for upcoming features & fixes. json and some plugin files causes conflict (even though I correctly pull things in the beginning and push at the end and working on In Obsidian->Settings->Appearance scroll to the bottom to "CSS snippets". Been using GitHub for obsidian for a while. Run in Obsidian as a plugin, or from the command-line as a python script. It is smooth. My company has blocked the obsidian. The embeddings create I've moved my personal vault to a private Github repo and am syncing between my desktop and laptop. quanruzhuoxiu. CSS 0. To run it as a daemon in the background. Most of the DNS providers are paid I guess. I curated over 25 of the best CSS snippets for Obsidian from Reddit, Obsidian Forum & Obsidian Discord Channel. This means information could be both delivered Instead of reiterating the benefits of using Obsidian (which can be found in almost every post lol), I'll just highlight how I personally use Obsidian for taking notes in math. Example of a field . The new Canvas plugin will enhance MOC and revolutionize Obsidian. r/ObsidianMD. Go to any daily note. There's nothing proprietary about it. Now, enter the Obsidian app, and you'll see a new vault that is a cloned repository. git/config or nano . 10. Below are my reasons and would be interested to hear people's thoughts. Noterefactor being the most complex, but still very useful to beginners (everyone btw). md plugin for a better PDF experience. Iirc, the Remotely Save plugin has an E2EE option and works with OneDrive and Dropbox. email "email" There are 2 options: There are tools to automatically encrypt your data before you push it so even if GitHub shares your data it is won’t mean anything. I'm sticking around because of the search plugins that have been developed that I actually cannot live without. No database or file obfuscation. Download the Dropbox App to your computer on which all your Obsidian files exist. Supports user-defined custom syntax for flashcards. although same file being seen on github. A fully-fledged note-taking app that makes with bi-directional linking that fits nicely into the browser and syncs with Obsidian. docker run -- rm - it ` - v D: / ob / vaults: / vaults ` - v D: / ob / config: / config ` - p 8080: 8080 `. json) Go to your vault's plugin folder ( <vault>/. Save and close the file. For books, you might want to add link to local file so that you can open book from your note quickly. We need a GitHub Copilot plugin. 6. Check it out: https://quartz. Login to your Github account : gh auth login. In this video we look at how you can keep your Vault synced between multiple PCs. Minimalist theme. Less 4. If you simply want to save notes, I highly recommend Remotely Save Plugin instead of the GitHub one. . techm00. Obsidian Local LLM is a plugin for Obsidian that provides access to a powerful neural network, allowing users to generate text in a wide range of styles and formats using a local LLM. Obsidian LifeOS (which nominated for Best Template of the Year) website launched. /r/frontend is a subreddit for front end web developers who want to move the web forward or want to learn how. Use the following commands to setup git and github via HTTPS : pkg update && pkg upgrade pkg install git pkg install gh. Microsoft is no different from any of the other ones, I only mention them as you did. Nothing to lock me out in the future. I provide an overview of commonly used methods and then a detailed look into how to use Github to sync your vaults to. Obsidian Web Clipper is an alternative I made to the MarkDownload extension. Advanced Tables is super useful if you use tables more than occasionally. Custom checkboxes & Speech bubbles. jzhao. As I promised to quite a few people on different places, I’m releasing a full blown guide of my Obsidian workflow. md flagged as “Unapproved Cloud Storage and other Online File Sharing Services”. Syncthing. Being able to connect my notes together is the only reason I'm using Obsidian. name "name". Plugin to add flashcards from a text or markdown file to Anki. See the Trello for planned features. This is still new to everyone. It’s pretty safe, almost every major company uses GitHub to store code so I would assume it’s safe. GitHub Page: Obsidian-Minimal. md contains much more information, my configurations, and some sample pages (and the graph, if This is a good source. Since Markdown is easily human-readable in it's non-rendered format, it's fully future proofed. A collection of best css snippets for obsidian from around the web Create a personalized look and feel in Obsidian that is more aligned with your personality and work style. Open a terminal. Primary is soft, chewy, comforting — like a chocolate chip cookie, or a warm brownie. O. This snippet is not mine: . name "name" git config --global user. 11. If your repo is private then GitHub is safe enough. Minimal is the most popular Obsidian theme, with (at the time of writing) almost half a million downloads. To test this I started myself with github repo and trying to work between two windows pc (using git plugin) and iPad (using working copy). Obsidian - Sync Vaults Between PCs with Github. PROS: - GitHub is significantly faster when Syncing compared to any other option, and believe me I tried them all including Obsidian official Sync, Remotely save (with different servers/hosts), Live Sync, and Sync Thing. ADMIN MOD. Not really one of those "been using Obsidian for X months" posts, but lol, this is mine so far and the little red cluster of chaos in the bottom left are all my notes around ADHD from therapy/diagnosis/research - I just find it hilarious how chaotic that section is Obsidian Web Clipper — a bookmarklet that lets you capture web pages in one click. TL;DR: Copy a git+https checked-out folder from your PC to your phone In GitHub, create an access token Open the folder in Obsidian on your phone, enter your username + access token Compared to Obsidian it lack mainly (1) canvas (which is IMO not so important for archive but for producing - for which I would always use separate app - I view PKM as a place to store information, not to write books) and (2) graph view, which again IMO is not so important - but I do not want to deflect the subject. In principle, you could just create a repository, copy and paste all your obsidian notes inside a folder in the repository, and launch a GitHub Page from the settings of the repo. Navigate to your repo, ie cd <repo_name>. E. Rainbow Color Folder. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit Can someone tell me how to download primary theme from git hub I am so lost I don't know how to do it comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Hi Everyone here. Compare pros and cons of different services and plans. • 1 yr. Open the file using your editor of choice, ie vim . io/mgarden later you can use a custom domain after you figure out the DNS bits I just use their file sync to my local file system. Once you've achieved this, simply use the command "lg2 clone 'URL of the repository'. Download the Obsidian App on to your mobile phone, along with an an App called ‘Drop Sync‘. No worries, your best bet would probably be to download the folder as a zip file from GitHub and go from there. Go to ObsidianMD. Anyway, I've run into a problem syncing the . Update the git configs : git config --global user. For example, it might let you automatically insert the datetime and the note's title at the top of a new note. Create new daily notes for days that don't have one. Find the line that starts with url =, update it to reflect the instructions above. In case others or Obsidian devs are interested, OpenDNS has obsidian. you can annotate PDF files with highlights just by linking to text selection. Dendron: Looks like a cool simple tool, not particularly similar to Obsidian. This is using windows based path, update for the OS you are running on. 15Gb of Obsidian goodness. remove the cached . Jun 7, 2023 · The 11 Best Obsidian Themes by Downloads (Plus One Extra) 1. It's perfect for simple GTD, and multiple boards help you perform context switches between Honestly, Logseq is becoming more and more of an alternative to Obsidian and even Roam. These add-ons can "phone home" to servers of those who created them. if I edit Obsidian on my laptop while its open on my computer). If you’re interested in seeing an example of how I use this, see this youtube video of me taking notes with Fleeting Notes. Add the file e. Select the "Obsidian" folder (if it doesn't appear, go into the Obsidian app and create an empty vault). You don't have to put them anywhere you are not comfortable with. Now you should be able to use the snippet. Vertical Kanban. Custom checkboxes have been designed to . Clean Embeds. sync your data to a cloud that allows the cloud provider to mine your files for data. 8 available to all, brings new table editor to mobile and many more improvements Create a free Dropbox account. Fight the forgetting curve & note aging by reviewing flashcards & notes using spaced repetition on Obsidian. Test it with OP's gist link. Sliding Panes - it might seem like a cosmetic plug in, but bring able to easily flick back and forth between notes improved my workflow so much. I use it for a lot, obsidian synchronisation being one of them. of the Obsidian Corporation, & he is Also an Outstanding Developer GitHub - sytone/obsidian-remote: Run Obsidian. Use a different git hosting service. You can use SSH as well. tldr: use embedding models, much cheaper than giving notes as context, saves millions of tokes over time. - zatevakhin/obsidian-local-llm I wanted GitHub for this because it’s free unlike Obsidian. git add. md file as a homepage. Jan 4, 2023 · These instructions should work on UNIX based systems. pkg install git. Subreddit for the Obsidian notes app https://obsidian. You can use SSH or an access token as well instead of using gh. They just need to improve stability. It is rock solid, and quite secure. Before, I used neovim to make markdown files for notes. That’s the sort of answer I was looking for. Markdown Memo: If all you want is to add wikilinks to Obsidian and use the for automatic file-creation, without all of the graph generation fluff, this one is nice. It is well supported by an active community, it has plugins, it is widely used by language learners, medical students, & more. There is also a subreddit if you are interested. We need a better solution. The only problem with that "simpler" process is I'd like to set up Obsidian Bit with GitHub, but I would like the uploaded files to be encrypted. - Access my obsidian vault from both personal and work computer - Access my obsidian vault via mobile I have my vault synched on a git repository (I use my own git server, but you can use GitHub or any other platform that allows you to have private repositories). You could even keep the files in Dropbox if you wanted. So it should be a plug-in that has gone through approval. However I see on many discussions online that iCloud folders are unsuitable for git operations. Setup Git and Github for manipulating repositories. 1 point of tension, anxiety, or stress. remote-blog/) 9. If you're looking to find or share the latest and greatest tips, links, thoughts, and discussions on the world of front web development, this is the place to do it. It provides you with a ChatGPT-like tchat box in your sidepanel. A highly touted use case for Obsidian is that it's all local files. You cen test if Obsidian opens with the right note with the 'Test Configuration' button. js, styles. Join the discussion on Reddit about the best sync options for Obsidian, the offline-first notes app. I created a collection of the best CSS snippets for Obsidian. You could also just write down the text and take pictures of the mathematics. " You're almost there. Reply. It’s easier and more straightforward to set up and use, works with any combination of supported operating systems without hassles, and gives you granular control over what gets synced. - Cross-platform compatible and very easy on battery Obsidian_to_Anki. i am struggling with my attachments visibility on github. You don't even need your own website. You can change its name if you wish. Best of all, it’s completely FREE . Select Install. Git for Obsidian as my backup. To see the applied css, make sure View->Reading View is checked. Heads up, made a post at the Obsidian forum to track. Contribute to mgmeyers/obsidian-kanban development by creating an account on GitHub. I'm 6 months late. Something to be aware of, although I don't know anything about Obsidian Sync. OneDrive etc. e. Shift your Obsidian ‘Vault’ inside the Dropbox folder that is then created on your system. I can now sync obsidian files just as I sync other files. Stylus 2. And, BTW, The Minimal Theme was Created YEARS Ago by the Present C. To get started using Projects, press Ctrl+P (or Cmd+P on macOS) to open the Command palette, and then select Projects: Show projects. I tried some plugins, but my use for GPT is limited. For more detail, you can check out my vault on GitHub , where the README. Look into MkDocs-Material (static site builder for markdown files). obsidian/workspace: git rm --cached . I run a setup using embeddings model from openai *text3small*. 9k cards added with Obsidian_to_Anki! I hope you find it useful. It pulls those highlights as html into that column (I In my experience Sync just works. A community for sharing and promoting free/libre and open-source software (freedomware) on the Android platform. He has many options, he can also use Oreprotocol, their cloud storage is quite unique, been using it for some times now. cq vg ct va na er qz st bw iw